WaveDȳn ® Advantage Optic Design Service
The potential to offer Life Changing visual quality.
Our WaveDȳn Advantage optic design service was created to tackle some of vision’s most challenging corneal conditions. These conditions not only compromise vision, but may profoundly limit how patients participate in and experience life. The WaveDȳn Advantage brings the potential of an incredibly positive impact on your patients.

The next generation of scleral lens clarity.
Scleral lenses are the option of choice for eye care professionals and researchers striving for better visual quality for their most challenging cases. But, for some patients, the inability to address their residual low and high order aberrations (LOAs/HOAs) can make achieving optimal outcomes nearly impossible.
At WaveFront Dynamics, we have developed a game changing, new level of wavefront measurement and scleral lens optic design for patient visual performance. We call it The WaveDȳn Advantage. We have developed a system that enables our scleral lens partners to fabricate an HOA correcting scleral lens in one step utilizing the design of the original fitted lens. The new optics dramatically reduce LOAs and HOAs. This one step process is now possible, thanks to the WaveDȳn ® Vision Analyzer.
Simplified Workflow.
One Step Lens Fabrication.
Using the WaveDȳn Analyzer, simply measure the eye with the fitted scleral lens , and we’ll take care of the rest. Our patented optic design process, utilizes the wavefront and lens position measurements to create a new lens with the residual LOAs and HOAs corrected in one simple step.
A New Degree of Clarity.
The optic design process corrects residual LOA and HOA simultaneously improving overall visual quality.
“The WaveDȳn has increased my understanding of the optics of the eye and what is possible. I now incorporate aberration measurement into all aspects of patient care.”

Christine Sindt, O.D., FAAO
University of Iowa
“The WaveDȳn is crazy accurate for normal eyes and allows for wavefront correction for the abnormal eyes.”

Nathan Schramm, O.D., FSLS
Insight Vision Center Optometry
The WaveDȳn Advantage optic design
Available with the below scleral lenses: